How Do I File for Divorce?
If you have reached the conclusion that divorce is necessary, the process by which to obtain the divorce may seem overwhelming and difficult.
The first step to obtain a divorce is to prepare a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. This Petition is the document that initiates, or begins, the divorce proceedings. It contains information about you, as the Petitioner, and about your spouse, the Respondent. It also contains information about your marriage, your residential address, your employment, your property, and your children, if you have any.
It also contains a prayer for relief. A prayer for relief is the portion of the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage that asks the Court to grant the divorce, among other requests, and may include a request for maintenance (formerly known as alimony), child support, payment of attorneys’ fees, and the equitable division of property.
Once the Petition for Dissolution is prepared, it is filed with the Court and a Summons is issued. Together with the Summons and the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, your spouse is served and is provided thirty (30) days from the day after they are served with the Summons and the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage to file an Appearance (indicating to the Court that they intend to participate in the proceedings) and an Answer to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Your spouse may hire an attorney to complete these necessary steps on their behalf.
The preparation of a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage can be an overwhelming process. An experienced attorney can help guide you through that process and look out for your best interests.
Please contact the Family Law attorneys at Bruning & Associates, P.C. at 815-455-3000 to schedule your complimentary consultation to discuss your family law needs.
Read more by Attorney Mel Bruett.